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One of the founders of Research Ecosystems, Prof. Dr. Tolga Ayav carries out R&D, innovation and project development activities. He received his undergraduate degree from Dokuz Eylül University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and his master's and doctoral degrees from IZTECH and Ege University Computer Engineering, respectively. After working in the field of private industrial automation for 3 years, he worked at IZTECH Information Technology and worked as a manager between 1999-2003. Between 2000 and 2004, he taught at IZTECH Computer Engineering Department as a lecturer. He was in France between 2004 and 2006 and did his postdoctoral research at INRIA Rhône-Alpes. He has been working as a faculty member at IZTECH Computer Engineering since 2006. During this period, he was the deputy director of the Graduate Education Institute and the administrative executive of the department head. Research/Working Areas: Real-time systems, software testing and testing, machine learning and data analytics.

Tolga Ayav
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